All Works Of MineAll Works Of Mine
| Marco Giovenale: Asemics. Senso senza significato - Note sulla scrittura asemica, 2006-2023Marco Giovenale: Asemics. Senso senza significato - Note sulla scrittura asemica, 2006-2023 At Issuu At Facebook slowforward (2023)
| Women Asemic Artists and Visual Poets 2021Introduction and edited by Kristine Snodgrass. Sections written by Cinzia Farina, Dona Mayoora, Kristine Snodgrass, Nicola Winborn, Terri Witek, Tommasina Bianca Squadrito. An essay by Cheryl Penn. 206 pages, 23 x 26 cm, 2021 Hysterical books, U S A. Released on January 2022. More information below. Women Asemic Artists and Visual Poets 2021 - edited by Kristine Snodgrass Women asemic anthology & visual poets 2021 Press Information (2022)
| Anthology of one letter poemsAnthology of one letter poems edited by Piotr Szreniawski 9 / 2021 (2021)
| Judith: Women Making Visual PoetryReleased on March 2021. More information below. Judith: Women Making Visual Poetry Anthology (2021)
| SexxxpoSeveral Contributors. Sexxxpo - an anthology of one word poems about sex. (2018)
| Two Abstract ComicsSatu Kaikkonen: Erysipelas and Floating. (2016)
| Asemic 15 - for asemic writing & similarContributors: Elynn Alexander, Roberto Altmann, anonymous, Rosaire Appel, Roy Arenella, Roland Barthes, Billy Bob Beamer, Tori Bedford, Volodymyr Bilyk (Володимир Білик), Jeff Crouch, Marc van Elburg, karen eliot, Jesse Ferguson, Tim Gaze, Marco Giovenale, Rob Grant, Janet Hawtin, Christine Huber, Ronald D. Isom, Satu Kaikkonen, Evgenij V. Kharitonov (Евгений В. Харитоновъ), Eduard Kulemin (Эдуард Кулёмин), Sveta Litvak (Света Литвак), Constança Lucas, Serse Luigetti, Billy Mavreas, Willi Melnikov (Вилли Мельников), Andrei Molotiu, Sheila E. Murphy, Moulid Nidouissadan, Fernando Ocampo, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Ruan, Shmuel, Christopher Skinner, Tommasina Bianca Squadrito, Carol Stetser, Morgan Taubert, Miron Tee, Mike Di Tommaso, Troylloyd & Emma Viguier. back cover Marilyn R. Rosenberg, front cover Satu Kaikkonen Asemic 15 - for asemic writing & similar. Edited, designed and published by Tim Gaze Sebtember / 2015. (2015)
| the wisdoms of the universes in a single string of lettersthe wisdoms of the universes in a single string of letters - Xexoxial editions 2015 (2015)
| A Kick In The Eye - A Collaborative Graphic NovelEdition: 1. This is unlike a typical graphic novel or illustrated book, which relies on recognisable pictures and legible text. A Kick In The Eye is a multiple-authored graphic novel containing only abstract images and illegible asemic writing. A Kick In The Eye - A Collaborative Graphic Novel 10/ 2013 - at Amazon (2013)
| An Anthology of Asemic HandwritingAn Anthology of Asemic Handwriting 2013 An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting 2013 - (2013)
| The Dark Would - Language Art AnthologyThe Dark Would - Language Art Anthology 2013 / Apple Pie Editions 2013 The Dark Would Anthology (2013)
| The Last Vispo Anthology 1998-2008The Last Vispo Anthology - Visual Poetry 1998-2008 / Fantagraphics 2012 (2012)
| VastakaanonVastakaanon. Suomalainen kokeellinen runous 2000-2010 / Poesia 2011 (2011)
| SisälmyksiäKokoelma julkaistiin 03.05.2010 ntamon toimesta. Poem Collection Sisälmyksiä, ntamo / Online kirjantamo 2010 Sisälmyksiä / ntamo (03.05.2010)
| this is visual poetrythis is visual poetry by Satu Kaikkonen / online 2010 (10.04.2010)
| Karri Kokko's Next WorkKarri Kokko's Next Work, ntamo / Online kirjantamo Karri Kokko's Next Work / ntamo 2009 (13.11.2009)
| Visual Poetry PostersPaper Kite Press a Six-Pack of Visual Poetry Posters 2009 (2/2009)
| Kaukana vierailta mailtaRunokokoelmani Kaukana vierailta mailta julkaistiin 02.08.2007 (Pilot kustannus). Kokoelma koostuu kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisen osan runojen innoittajana ovat toimineet perheemme kesäpaikan pihapiiri ja tunnelma Kuivajokivarressa ja toisen osan runot ovat saaneet tunnelmansa Mallikaistenjärven Hirvisalon saaren luonnosta ystävän mökillä. Vaikka runoissa on realistinen ote, ne eivät perustu sinänsä omaan elämääni vaan muodostavat fiktiivisen kertomuksen rakkaudesta, menettämisestä ja löytämisestä. Kirjassa on myös joitakin mieheni valokuvia.(02.08.2007) |