18.07.2009 Turku YlioppilasteatteriIn July 2009 I participated for a one week to the Vispo Workshop in the residence of Saari kartano in Mietoinen.
In the end of the week I came home on friday but me and my husband went to Turku on saturday to see the poemsreading. The photographs has been taking by my husband.

The others were arriving soon and we met them outside of the theatre. In the picture below there are me ( my ear), Nancy Huth, Geof Huth, Christian Bök and Jonimatti Joutsijärvi.

This is our stage inside of the theatre. It was a very simply stage. There was nothing unnecessary:

Before the performance Christian Bök gave me a little book which was made by one of his students - Helen Hajnoczky. She wanted Christian to give it to a finnish visual female poet. I was very glad and flattered about that he gave it to me. The name of the book was Tight - -Lacing and in it there was magnificent visual poems about corsets. I like it very much.

Karri Kokko was the speaker of the performance and here below Karri is preparing himself to the task.

We others (above) were also trying to prepare ourself to the performance. The first performer (below) was a poet from Siuro, J.K. Ihalainen with his poem Machine. In his perfromance there was also music behind.

After that was Marko Niemi who red Mikael Brygger's poems. (Below):

I like Marko as a person very much. He is one of the most kindless and friendliness man I have ever met. And he is very modest. He don't keep noise about himself but his works - well go and see and also
in here - speakes to themselfes. I'm so glad that I saw him in face to face.
After Marko was my turn to read something. I red three poems from myself. Two of them I was made from the book "Ääniä aamulla kello kolme" written by Charles Simic. Those poems are cut-up poems made from the contents of the book. The third one was my poem about Bob and Frank episode 6.
I laughted when I watched the photographs that my husband was taken from me because nearly in every photo I have funny looks in my face. These ones here are "ok." I always empathise when I'm reading and that is seeing in my face....

I wondered also that I didn't feel nervous about my performance. I'm usually very nervous, but now I wasn't nearly at all.

After me was Karri's turn to read and he red one of his poems in which was words of songs which are beginning with the word "kun" = when.

And here below are Mikael Brygger.

And after him was Henriikka Tavi. Henriikka's last poem was very "funny" in it's words so she started to laught while reading and that was very spontaneous reading. I liked that.

Here below is Jonimatti Joutsijärvi who started his reading with a scream. After that he began to sing. He song Mirkka Rekola's poem in which he - Jonimatti - has made a melody. Jonimatti's performance was very touching. It was simply and touching.

After Jonimatti's performance we saw a couple of videopoems made by J.P. Sipilä (below). I was very touched about his video "for Alma".

Then we had a little break outside of the theatre. In the photo below: Geof, Karri, somebody I don't know, J.P. Sipilä, me and behind me Mikael. Geof said to me that I have a very beautifull voice and I was glad about that.

After the break was Quo Vadis Band turn to perform their poems with a little bit music. They performed to us also earlier some of their works in Saari Residence. They can do so much in so little ways. Their performances are so deep and touching.

After Quo Vadis Karri introduced Nancy Huth. She was reading some of her poems. I liked very much the way she was reading. It was so natural.

And then was turn to Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl. I thought that I drop my eyes and ears. I have never ever seen or heard nothing like that. It was amazing. And fascinating. And marvellous. I could have listening and watching that for hours and hours.

And then it came even better when Christian Bök was stepped on to the stage. These guys are incredible and unbelievable. I can't descripe what I felt in english. I can't descripe that either in finnish. I was like a little child again - so full of pure gladness and joy while watching and listening these performances. Me and my husband wondered what in earth was wrote in their papers so that it could be read like that. Amazing!!!

I 'm so glad that I had this oppoturnity to met people like Christian Bök in Vispo Worksop. I will never forget that and him.
The last performer was Geof Huth. Below Geof and Nancy Huth are sitting hand by hand.

And here is Geof's notes "koivu - maito - kuu" which he gave to everyone, who was there at the theatre.

Geof's performance was very deep and touching. This kind of performances gives so much to everyone who are there at the place.

Geof walked through the stage and after he had red the papers he crushed them and throwed them away.

The performance ended to a song. It was a song without word words. It reminded me about the songs of native peoples and because of that it touched very deep inside of my mind and soul. It's was at the same time a little bit sad and beautiful and powerful.

I enjoyed participating to Vispo Worshop in the residence of Saari's kartano. I didn’t able to go there next week, I had only that one week. I hoped that we had been doing much more work - vispos etc. - there together in that first week but the workshop had a little problems with the beginning. I don't blame anybody. It's not so easy to organized this kind of happening.
I'm glad that I had the courage to go there and meet new peoples. That was the best part to me: to meet peoples like Geof and Nancy Huth, Christian Bök and others.
I'm also glad that I made a couple of good handmade vispoems there. Karri Kokko have them now for the exhibition but I hope that after that I'll get them back because I hadn't my camera with me so I couldn't photograph them. Two of those poems have now been published at Parnasso 4/2009.
These memories and experiences will remain and bloomering inside of me and my mind for a long time afterwards this happening. And I hope that I meet some of these peoples someday, somewhere again.